As bush fires are in greater numbers and with it only being the start of the Summer season, it is essential to follow these basic water restrictions to ensure there is enough to go around. However, you could also implement a lot of extra measures such as installing water saving shower nozzles, low-flow aerated taps, installing dual flush toilet cisterns, and using a bucket to catch and recycle your cold bath or shower water to use on the garden. The current ‘Water Restriction Level’ currently in force as of 28 November 2019 is ‘Permanent Water Conservation Measures’, which has been in place since 2004, however it’s always a good idea to familiarise yourself with what is in place.
For more information go to http://www.bom.gov.au/water/restrictions/index.php?serviceArea=715
For Residential properties:
Gardens and lawns:
YES to: Sprinklers between 4:00pm – 9:00am : Hand Held hose at any time : Sprinklers on NEW turf at any time on the day of planting/laying only.
BANNED: Sprinklers & Fixed/Unattended hoses between 9:00am – 4:00pm.
Car washing:
YES to: Only washing the vehicle on the lawn with no runoff to the street.
Paved areas and driveways:
YES to: Hosing to clean for health and/or safety reasons only : Pressure cleaners permitted anytime.
BANNED: Hosing any hardstand area/driveway.
Windows and roofs:
YES to: Hosing for building maintenance with trigger nozzle on hose or pressure cleaner only.
BANNED: Hosing windows or roofs
Swimming pools & spas:
No Restriction
Non-residential properties:
Schools sports grounds and public gardens:
YES to: Sprinklers & fixed/unattended hoses between 4:00pm – 9:00am : Hand held hose at any time
BANNED: Sprinklers & Fixed/Unattended hoses between 9:00am – 4:00pm
Market gardens, orchards, nurseries & commercial flower gardens:
YES to: Sprinklers & fixed/unattended hoses between 4:00pm – 9:00am : Hand held hose at any time
BANNED: Sprinklers & Fixed/Unattended hoses between 9:00am – 4:00pm.
Swimming pools, spas & outdoor showers:
No Restrictions
Motor vehicle washing:
No Restrictions
Pressure & carpet cleaning:
No Restrictions
Paved public areas:
YES to: Hoses or pressure cleaning : Where food is prepared and/or consumed : For health and safety reasons only
BANNED: Hosing any other hardstand area
Building & new turf:
YES to: All building uses : Sprinklers on NEW turf at any time on the day of planting/laying only : Sprinklers on turf between 4:00pm – 9:00am : Hand-held hose at any time
BANNED: Sprinklers & fixed/unattended hoses on turf between 9:00am – 4:00pm